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Quillion Charitable Fund

Giving with a Purpose

American affluent households make up a large proportion of all charitable giving domestically; understanding the priorities and motivations that shape affluent philanthropic engagement is key to understanding philanthropy overall. That’s why Quillion advisors donate time and money alongside clients to organizations that are enriching our community.

More People More Impact

Guided by their values and beliefs, affluent households continue to lead in charitable giving, with 85% giving to charity in 2022. More than half of affluent households in America (54%) say their giving is very linked to the issues they care most about.

1 Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, Philanthropy Panel Study (PPS) 202

Organizations We Support

Help us grow these 501c3 non-profits to make the world a better place. These medical, educational, and environmental groups are leaders in making sure our dollars are stretched for the greatest good.